Next Gen Necessities

The Next Generation will be defined by robust survivability and uncompromised mission effectiveness, delivered quickly and seamlessly through the transformative power of digital engineering. 


For 80 years, Skunk Works® has created simple solutions for complex missions.

Enabling our service members to fly higher and faster, hidden from sight.


Digital Transformation

The Next Generation depends on digital transformation, now. We’re leveraging the digital thread to deliver quickly and at a bigger scale than ever before.

Robust Survivability

Robust survivability will define the Next Generation of aircraft. Our Skunk Works team is committed to digital design that yields balanced, integrated systems with unparalleled persistence and performance.

Mission Effectiveness

To tackle the constantly evolving threat environment, future combat aircraft must be flexible, interoperable and resilient. Our commitment to collaborative distributed teaming optimizes crewed and uncrewed systems to provide transformational operational flexibility. 

Next-Gen Software News   ___
Oct 10, 2024
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® partnered with the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School to conduct live flight tests of the SAFE system on a large-scale aircraft
Oct 08, 2024
AI is a critical enabler in Lockheed Martin’s mission to deliver 21st Century Security® solutions to create a safer, more secure world.
Aug 13, 2024
Our 1LMX transformation is a testament to our dedication to continuous improvement and innovation, as we strive to deliver 21st Century Security® capabilities to our customers.